Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Assessment learning Essay

1. What are the functions, concepts and principles of assessment in learning and development? (1. 1, 1. 2) The function of assessment is a way to measure a learner’s competence against agreed standards and criteria. The awarding body of the particular qualification will have an assessment strategy what will state which criteria needs to be met to complete the mandatory and optional units and the best method for acquiring the evidence. A range of methods will be used to judge whether a candidate has demonstrated the skills, knowledge and understanding to be competent against the criteria. The assessor will need to ask themselves if the assessment process when put into practice will be: Fair – the given activities during assessment are relevant to the candidates needs and reasonable adjustments are made so not to disadvantage any person. Reliable – If the assessment was carried out by a different assessor, in a different place, the results would be consistent. Valid – the assessment is suitable to the qualification being assessed. Safe and manageable – the assessor must not put unnecessary demands on the candidate or their work colleagues in the place of occupation. Suitable for the candidates needs – before planning an assessment the assessor would need to take into account the candidates needs, their subject requirements and take into consideration any prior learning, additionally, plan suitable methods to be used. The assessment cycle to ensure the learner has met the performance and knowledge criteria required to achieve the qualification achieved all aspects of the qualification successfully. The cycle will begin with the initial assessment which will establish any prior learning or experience of the subject to be taken and will identify individual learner’s needs. Furthermore, diagnostic tests can recognize if a learner has for instance, dyslexia. The second part of the cycle will be the assessment planning, where the assessor and learner agree on the methods to be used for evidence, set target dates and who will be involved, such as, work colleagues. Thirdly, the assessment activity will establish which methods to judge whether a candidate has demonstrated the skills, knowledge and understanding to achieve the required standard. The penultimate part of the cycle will be where the assessor makes a decision as to whether the standard has been met and provide feedback to the learner. Lastly, progress will be reviewed and any changes to the assessment activities can be made. The assessor will use a range of Benchmarking will be used to ensure the learner’s performance is on target against the accepted standard of the subject area. This data will contribute to the quality assurance and development of best practice. 2. What is the role and responsibilities of the assessor? (1. 3) The role of the assessor is required to be competent and knowledgeable with the standards of the awarding body so they can explain the criteria to the candidate, thus the learner knows what they are working towards. Subsequent to the assessment planning an initial assessment needs to have been carried out to identify any individual needs, prior learning, skills and knowledge the learner may have. When planning the assessment the assessor should have the relevant information of where the learner works and what they do, this will ensure the correct units will be covered and correct methods are chosen. The assessor will use the assessment plan as a tool for assessing the learner’s competence and knowledge against the agreed criterion ensuring that it is fair, valid and reliable. The assessor must clearly record all assessment decisions and show which criteria was met. Each conducted assessment will record achievements accurately and any evidence provided by the learner must be checked by the assessor to ensure it is authentic. To ensure confidentiality the information will be available to share with those with a legitimate interest. After the assessment the assessor will provide constructive feedback to the learner concerning their achievements as soon as possible and identify any gaps in the learner’s knowledge and skills. At this stage the candidate will either plan to be reassessed or progress onto  the next assessment. The assessor will be responsible to the organisation, occupational standards and awarding organisation when planning, managing and delivering assessment and must maintain good practice and follow legislation throughout to maintain the integrity of the qualification. 3. Explain the regulations and requirements relevant to assessment in own area of practice(1. 4, 3. 4, 3. 5, 8. 1) The assessor will be required to follow a range of policies and practises set by the regulatory bodies of standards, for example, Ofqual, Sector skills council, Institute of learning. Other regulations such as, health and safety, equality and diversity, data protection, risk assessment, etc will be discussed below. It is the responsibility of the assessor to ensure that the above are carried out during the assessment process. For example, the assessor must abide by the health and safety rules of the candidates work place and report any unsafe practice or dangerous equipment. The need of wearing protective clothing and safety shoes may be required. The assessor or internal verifier must only intervene with an assessment is if the health and safety is placing someone in danger. Under the management of health and safety at work regulation 1999, the assessor must assess the risks to prevent any hazardous practices and locate information on who holds the first aid certificate and what the fire and emergency course of action is. The assessor is responsible to carry out a risk assessment to safeguard the learner during assessment and establish any risks which may occur during the assessment activities in the work place. While there is always a possibility of risk in any every day occurrence, the assessor has a duty of care to notify of the risk and advice of the possible outcome regarding safety. It is the assessor’s responsibility to ensure all documentary evidence is kept safe during external assessments and data kept secure. Any assessor who works with vulnerable adults or children will be required to have a criminal records bureau check before being allowed to work in that occupational area. The check will identify any unsuitable person and must be used to protect and safe guard adults and children at risk. The disability discrimination act legislated that no disabled person should be discriminated against because of a disability, whether it is a physical or mental impairment. In 2002 and 2005 the act was extended to include educational organisations. This meant that suitable provisions must be made for disabled persons to overcome any physical barriers and not be treated less favourably because of their disability. The initial assessment should clarify if the learner has any particular learning needs or disabilities to ensure equality and diversity needs are met. The assessor has a duty to ensure no learner is discriminated against; everyone has an equal opportunity for learning and development. Assessment activities should reflect the diversity of the learner, for example, culture, language and ethnicity and not be biased to the person who produced them. Every person is entitled to learn in a safe environment, whether it be the assessor or learner. It is illegal to inflict corporal punishment on anyone and if restraint is required then it must follow the organisations strict guidelines on discipline. The copyright, Designs and Patents Act (1988) is one that the assessor should discuss with the learner at the start of the assessment process as it relates to the authenticity of their own work and products. It is unlawful to use someone else’s work as their own without referencing to the rightful owner, as this is plagiarism. The assessor must always ensure the learner signs and dates their own work, especially if it has been prepared on the computer for acknowledgement that they are the original owner. The assessor will have confidential information about their learners, such as, name, age, birth date on record and under the Data Protection Act all this information must be kept confidential and secure. If the information is kept on a computer, then it should be protected with a password that protects against other entering the system. If the information is paper based then it must be kept in a filing cabinet which is lockable. The learner can request to see any information held about them under The Freedom of Information Act 2002, so it is important to back up copies, if electronically stored in case of being deleted. The information should not be kept longer than necessary and the holder will need to register as a data user if the period is over 2 months. There may some occupational areas which require the candidate to wear a uniform, for example, a white tunic top if working in a restaurant or protective clothing, such as, reflective jacket, hard hat and safety boots if on a construction site. The assessor will need to dress in accordance with the health and safety regulations when doing an assessment in the work place with the learner. Once the assessor has qualified they must register with the Institute for Learning and keep up with their continuing professional development. It is crucial that the assessor abide by the code of professional practice to ensure they are working to the same standard and not under achieving. If the former should happen then it could have a dramatic effect on the assessment centre quality assurance when the external verifier carries out an inspection visit twice a year. To ensure standards are being met and claim for certification is valid the external verifier will need to see a mixture of the candidate’s files and interview a variety of assessors. If the standards have been met and the external verifier is satisfied that the correct procedures are being followed the centre will receive a grade of 1-2. Unfortunately if the centre receives a grade of 3-5 then there is a possibility that they could have the direct claim status and registration suspended until the matter is resolved. 4. Explain the strengths and limitations of at least 4 different assessment methods, making reference to how each method can meet the needs of individual learners. (2. 1) ASSESSMENT METHOD Observation Strengths. The observation method is an excellent opportunity for the assessor to take a holistic approach during assessment; benefits are the assessment is viewed by the assessor, thus the evidence is authentic, plus, cost and time effective. The holistic assessment can be time consuming so the assessor will need to plan the assessment so they can identify which learning outcomes from all units can be demonstrated at the same time. Knowledge based and performance based assessment can be linked with evidence which is natural occurring. The method meets a learners needs as they can carry on their normal work practice. If any prior learning evidence can be presented, such as a certificate or witness statement and/or a professional discussion at the end of the assessment. Limitations It is necessary the assessor and candidate agree for a suitable time and place for the observation to take place. If the assessment is to be cost effective then the evidence must be collected during a busy time when the most evidence can be collected. If a witness testimony is to be used the assessor must find a suitable person who has witnessed the learner do the task, this must be arranged beforehand. The assessor must ensure that the candidate is confident enough to demonstrate their competence or else it could discourage them and waste time. The assessor must remain open minded throughout the observation and not offer advice or interfere even if they feel the candidate is doing something wrong. Assignments Strengths Assignments are an excellent opportunity for the learner to demonstrate knowledge and use research skills. The assignment can be set out so several aspects of qualification can be assessed. The learner needs are met as they are able to work at their own pace and in their own time. Limitations The learner must be had been taught all aspects of the syllabus beforehand. The assignment could be time consuming to write and may not be suitable to learners who have literacy difficulties, work full time or have families to support. The assessor must assess each assignment individually and provide written feedback. Witness Testimony Strengths The witness can confirm competence or achievements of the learner as they will have observed them in their normal practice of work, someone who works with the candidate to confirm the learner’s competence in a certain area of criteria. The learner may feel more confident displaying skills in front of a colleague rather than being observed by the assessor. Witness statements are useful as they can fill in any gaps. The method would suit the needs of someone who is performing the task frequently. Limitations The assessor must ensure the suitability of the witness and that they are experienced in the occupational area, the assessor needs to confirm this by seeing evidence, such as a copy of their CV or certificates. The witness statement must be authentic and the assessor will need to check this. A witness cannot confirm the learner’s competence as they are not an assessor. Oral questions and answers Strengths The assessor could use questioning as a way to meet gaps in evidence; questions could be adapted to meet the criteria. A question could be used to increase the candidates thinking about a certain task rather than performing it. Furthermore, it gives the assessor an insight as to how much knowledge the candidate has in their occupational area. This method could be used during an observation or used later after the observation; it would meet the needs of a learner who has difficulty with written English. The assessor would need to know the candidate understands what is being asked in the question or else the learner may struggle to answer correctly. Limitations The assessor would need to be careful not to ask closed or leading questions as this could be viewed as being subjective as the assessor could be putting words into the learner’s mouth. The most beneficial questions would be open, probing and hypothetical to get the most from knowledge and understanding of the learner. 5. What key factors do you need to consider when planning assessment? (3. 1) WHAT. The assessor will need to discuss and be in agreement with what criteria is being met and how it is being assessed and others involved. The assessor will need to talk about what the learner’s job role entails and how this is relevant to the unit in question. This will enable the assessor to plan and agree with the learner the types of evidence most suitable for demonstrating competence and the best methods for assessment to be used. The assessor must make sure the evidence is appropriate to meet the specified performance criteria and where possible knowledge to be assessed through performance or professional discussion or questioning. The assessor must ensure the learner is ready to demonstrate their competence and understands the processes involved, for example targets. WHEN The assessor and learner will need to agree when the assessment will take place and arrange a suitable date, time and duration when the most evidence can be collected and if the holistic approach could be used to obtain evidence. It would be beneficial for the assessor if the assessment took place during a busy period of learner work activity. However, the assessor must ensure the learner is not taken away from their duties for an unnecessary length of time or cause disruption to the business operations. WHERE The assessor Assessment would ideally take place in the learner’s work place as this where the most evidence can be collected. As the assessor will be entering the learner’s work place it is important to involve the employer in the planning process. However, for non-performance evidence it could be more cost effective to assess via Skype, email or to arrange a meeting in a suitable place of convenience, not necessarily the learner’s work place. HOW The learner will want to know how the assessment will take place and what will be involved during the assessment. The assessor will need to discuss and agree with the learner the most suitable method of assessment to collect the most evidence. The assessor must ensure the assessment is fair, unbiased and cost effective by making the best use of time; if the learner is required to produce any prior evidence then this must be arranged in advance of the assessment. Holistic assessment in the learner’s work place would be beneficial for it is naturally occurring evidence. The assessor would use observation, witness testimony and professional discussion for performance evidence and multiple choice questions, verbal questioning and assignments for knowledge and understanding. The assessor will make a judgement on the evidence and decide whether the learner has demonstrated enough to meet the criteria or not. The assessor will need to arrange how and when feedback will be given to the learner to attend to any performance issues. 6. Explain the benefits of holistic assessment and how you would plan for holistic assessment (3. 2). The assessor is responsible for ensuring that methods used during holistic assessment covers several aspects of the performance and knowledge criteria from different units. This will ensure the assessment is cost effective make evidence collection and demonstration of competence more efficient. The assessor would need to plan the assessment before it took place to ensure that any particular requirements of the learner are taken into account and the assessment is adapted to meet their individual needs. For instance, holistic assessments will benefit learners who have dyslexia or literacy difficulties. Holistic observation can include oral questioning and minimize the amount of written work the learner has to do. Thus they are not excluded or disadvantaged by having learning difficulties. If the learner has a disability then the assessor should make sure the learner has extra time to complete the assessment tasks and is given any support needed. Moreover, any learner with difficulties are entitled to have reasonable adjustments made to ensure they have the equality of opportunity and support to enable them access assessment. Furthermore, if the learner has difficulties then the individual learning plan will agree short term targets for achievement, assessment strategies and review dates. The benefits of holistic assessment are that the assessor is able to observe the candidate at work in natural occurring situations. The candidate would be able to demonstrate several aspects of the qualification and cover more than one unit at the same time by taking a performance unit which incorporates parts of a knowledge unit. Holistic assessment should ideally take place in the learners work environment and the candidate’s job role should be discussed with to establish any prior learning they have, to identify which units could be covered at the same time. By doing this it would reduce the amount of visits needed to the candidate’s work place, make the best use of time and ensure the assessment is cost-effective. 7. Why is it important to involve the learner and others in the assessment process? (4. 1) A learner should be involved in the assessment process so they can understand why they are doing assessment activities and the purpose of providing evidence of competence. The candidate’s involvement will enable them to remain motivated as they will have the opportunity to add their own input, analyse their own experience and understanding. Without support the learner could become confused and lack enthusiasm, but if others, such as the assessor and employer helped them to achieve their aim, it will give the learner self motivation and encourage them to remain positive through the assessment process. At some stage of the assessment process it may be necessary for someone other than the assessor to provide evidence of the learner’s competence in the work place. The witness must be known by the learner and experienced in the candidate’s occupational area, possibly a line manager. 8. Give examples of the types of information that should be made available to learners and others involved in the assessment process (4. 2) At the initial assessment the learner will have taken a skills test which is an analysis of the learner’s skills so they are aware of current skills and areas for development. The learner should be provided with all documentation they need for the award, such as, assessment plans, individual learning plans, feedback sheets, information on the company carrying out the assessment and the assessors contact details, phone number and email address. Additionally, a copy of the complaint and appeal procedure, equality and diversity Policies, how to contact the assessor for cancelling visits and information on health and safety 9. What are the benefits of peer and self assessment? (4. 3). The benefits of peer and self assessment are the learner develops skills, such as listening, observing and questioning and has a greater involvement in their own learning process. The peer and learner can understand the role and the need for assessment better. It allows for greater understanding of the criteria for achievement and how it is judged, thus, encouraging the individual to take responsibility for their own learning. The learner will develop analytical skills and improve self awareness of strengths and weaknesses and identify opportunities for improvement. Furthermore, develop the ability not only to assess their own work but that of others, thus developing analytical skills and use reflective practice of their own performance. When a learner assesses their own progress and those of their peers, they will learn to take personal responsibility of how to make a decision and provide feedback as to why that decision was made. 10. How can assessment arrangements be adapted to meet the needs of individual learners? (4. 4). The learner is entitled to a fair assessment and the assessor needs to use the most relevant assessment methods for the learner to demonstrate their ability. The assessor must take into consideration that not all learners are the same and treat the candidate as an individual, taking into account any requirements they might have. For example, the assessor needs to consider a learner’s work pattern involved working shift patterns and agree a suitable time for assessment which does not disrupt working practice and make the most of the meeting. Furthermore, confidentiality issues must be taken into consideration and reflection of individual learning styles. If the learner has dyslexia, learning difficulties or English is the second language then the assessor must work with the learner to establish which method of assessment would be more beneficial to them. The assessor will need to vary the methods to keep the learner motivated and extra time given to learners who have difficulties and ensure the learner understands what is being said to them. Feedback should be given as soon as possible to ensure the learner remains interested and motivated. 11. Explain how you judge evidence and make assessment decisions, making reference to the criteria and assessment requirements (5. 1, 5. 2) The assessment plan will need to be agreed by the assessor and learner to which assessment methods will be used to cover the entire criteria standard. The assessor needs to ensure that the assessment is valid, authentic, efficient, fair and reliable. At least four different methods would be used during assessments; these could be observation, evidence of knowledge, witness statements and professional discussion. Any prior achievement and experience of the learner will be taken into account as long as it is relevant to assessment of their competence; it would not be cost effective to have a candidate repeat an activity they had already acquired in the past. However the assessor must have proof that evidence is authentic by either asking for a copy of certificate or a witness statement and the evidence is current and relevant to the occupational standards. The assessor will review the evidence and assess it against the required elements of the qualification, it will allow for a decision to whether the candidate is competent or not yet competent. Competence can be awarded if the evidence is: * Valid * Reliable * Sufficient * Authentic * Current * Safe The assessor must abide by the Equality Act 2010 to not discriminate or harass against protected characteristics where fairness might be compromised. 12. Explain the procedures for and importance of quality assurance and standardisation. (6. 1, 6. 2) Quality assurance is important as it ensures the national standards are being maintained. The internal verification procedures will monitor equal opportunities and access the decisions made by the assessor are fair, valid and reliable. The internal verifier will use a range of methods to confirm that the assessment is meeting the requirements of awarding bodies. Methods used could be through observation, questioning, and professional discussion or sample the portfolio. It is vital that the assessor is assessing according to regulations and guidelines from awarding bodies, qualification and credit framework and keeps accurate records from assessments to create an audit trail for internal and external verification. To ensure all assessment decisions are consistent and fair the assessor will be encouraged to attend meetings with colleagues involved with the same subject and their internal verifier, to ensure they all understand the units they are assessing and looking for similar evidence. To compare assessment decisions and share good practice with colleagues will help the assessor to develop skills, up date knowledge and personal development. However, it is not compulsory to attend the meeting, the assessor could standardise their practice by reviewing standards and documents online. 13. Explain the appeals and complaints procedure (6. 3) The assessor should provide the learner with a written copy of the complaints and appeal procedure which meets the requirements of the awarding body and discuss this with them in the assessment planning session. If at any time during the assessment process the learner has a complaint or feels a decision the assessor has made is unfair to them, then the learner will know who to go to with their issue and how it will be followed up. However, before this stage is reached the assessor should encourage an informal discussion with the learner to see if the issue can be resolved. If the learner is not confident about discussing it with the assessor then it may be necessary to involve the internal verifier. However if the complaint or appeal remains unresolved then this must be put in writing to the chief executive who will look into and respond within 5 working days. If the learner is still unsatisfied with the outcome then they can request the complaint or appeal is investigated by an independent panel, which will consist of an independent assessor and internal verifier. The panel will investigate the appeal or complaint and notify of their decision within 14 working days. If at this stage the complaint or appeal has still not been rectified then the learner should contact the awarding body – NCFE, whose details will be given once it has reached this stage. 14. Why is the management of information important? (7. 1) The assessor will need to ensure that any documentation acquired during the assessment process is following the national standards for assessment and verification and be aligned with the centre and awarding body policies. Each document must be accurate stating which assessment methods where used, whether, observation, oral or written. Furthermore, they must show that both candidate and assessor agreed to how the evidence will be obtained and the decision made as to whether it was achieved or not. It is essential that any document is signed, dated and stored correctly to ensure data protection and confidentiality. Other types of documentation could be completed log books, action plans, feedback comments, learner records or anything which records the candidate’s achievement. It is imperative that the information is managed professionally as the assessor could find themselves in breach of laws and regulations, such as, data protection Act if they fail to comply. Failure to manage information correctly could result in having complaints and appeals made against the assessor and have a dramatic effect on the assessment centre quality assurance when the external verifier carries out an inspection visit twice a year. To ensure standards are being met and claim for certification is valid the external verifier will need to see a mixture of the candidate’s files and interview a variety of assessors. If the standards have been met and the external verifier is satisfied that the correct procedures are being followed the centre will receive a grade of 1-2. Unfortunately if the centre receives a grade of 3-5 then there is a possibility that they could have sanctions placed upon them and lose their direct claim status and registration suspended until the matter is resolved. 15. Why should you give the learner feedback? (7. 2) Feedback is an important tool for learning and development and to improve performance and motivate the learner. The learner will have a better understanding of how they have progressed during assessments. After the assessor has carried out an assessment they would need to give feedback to the candidate as soon as possible by either verbal communication or written. If verbal is used via phone or face to face, then this must be backed up by a written copy. The assessor should include information about achievement in relation to the criteria and any comments should provide detailed advice on how to cover any gaps between current performance and the target aimed for. The candidate should be encouraged to ask questions regarding the feedback to help them understand how the assessor had reached their decision. This would also assist the assessor to reflect upon their role and evaluate if the assessment process was fair, valid and reliable and the assessment methods used was the most appropriate for the candidates needs. If the candidate did not meet the required standard then the assessor should give constructive feedback which would focus more on the activity or work produced rather than the candidate. Constructive feedback is part of a successful assessment as the learner will know what they have achieved or need to develop. Thus the learner will be encouraged to take more responsibility of their own learning development and deepen their understanding of the criteria. Feedback should be given on a 2. 1 scale, known as the sandwich approach. It should start with positive comments, then the areas which need to be improved; lastly, the assessor should end the feedback on a positive to encourage the candidate to keep interested, motivated and confident. 16. What are the key policies and procedures that relate to assessment? For example Bright delivery policy and NCFE policies and procedures etc. Give a brief explanation of what each one is. (8. 1) The assessor will need to follow policies and procedures additionally to those mentioned in question 3, for example: Bright’s delivery policy states the following points: Bright’s delivery policy sates the following points: †¢Once the candidates deposit has been cleared and relevant paperwork is complete the candidate will receive their registration pack within 48hrs †¢Following this the mentor will contact the candidate within 48 hours †¢Mentors can be contacted mon – fri 9am – 6pm sat 10-1 †¢Alternately leave a message and the mentor will contact the candidate within 4 hours †¢Once all theory and practical assessments are complete candidates will receive their certificate. Under Bright’s delivery policy the following procedures relate to assessment: †¢Quality audit of completed Individual Learning Plans †¢Quali.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Project Proposal Essay

1. Recommend a project portfolio management method for your selected project. Provide a rationale for your recommendation. Note: Be sure to align your project with the strategic efforst of the organization. 2. Create an outline of an executive summary that includes the type of problem, requirements, and proposed business problems solutions. 3. State the vision and the goal of the project. Note: Be sure that the goals are specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, and Timely (SMART). 4. Determine five (5) major deliverables of the project, and explain the importance of each one. 5. Provide the timeframe for delivering the solution to the project. 6. Create a table which contains the generic resources, including people, equipment , and materials needed to undertake the project. 7. Estimate the total budget for the project based on the cost of the resources specified in the table that you have created . Next, add contingency and any other additional costs (e.g. intangible cost, the cost of a change in culture or process within the the business etc.). Support your response. 8. Determine the key success criteria for your project. Provide a rationale to support your response. 9. Assume that your project is delivered on time, within scope, and budget. Justify your stakeholders’ satisfactory level with three (3) key success criteria, against which the project will be measured. 10. Use at least three (3) quality resources in this assignment.

Monday, July 29, 2019

2008 Presidential Debates Essay Example for Free

2008 Presidential Debates Essay ? The October 7 debate, sponsored by the Commission on Presidential Debates, took place in Belmont University, Nashville, Tennessee and Tom Brokaw (NBC News) was the moderator. Questions were selected from thousands of online messages and were based on domestic and foreign policy. Overall, the issue that dominated the debate was the economy with both candidates pointing out the mistakes of the past and laying down their plan for the future. Senator Obama and McCain on the economy Senator Obama started with pointing out that the country is in the worst economic crisis since the Great Depression and people are worried by about their jobs, pensions and their ability to send their children to schools. Senator Obama stated that the crisis was as a result of failed economic policies of the George Bush regime. Obama emphasized on regulating Wall Street, cracking down on CEOs and making sure they don’t get bonuses and giving the middle class tax cuts. Senator McCain puts the blame on the democrats in the senate and in the congress who defended Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. Senator McCain plan is to stabilize home values and buy up bad loans. He also does not propose any tax cuts or increases. Senator Obama and McCain on energy Senator McCain’s plan is to enhance the use of nuclear energy since it is, as he puts it, safe and reliable. An added advantage of nuclear energy, according to him, is that the nuclear fuel spent can be reprocessed. Senator Obama puts energy among his top priority issues should he go ahead and win the presidency. He states that high gas prices are not only a strain to the family budget but also a threat to national security since countries like Russia and Venezuela were benefiting from high oil prices. Obama proposes a $15 billion ten year plan to guarantee independence from Middle Eastern oil. Senator Obama and McCain on health care Senator Obama proposes to lower the cost of premiums by up to $2,500 a year by investing in prevention. He puts emphasis on using information technology so that medical records are put in computers rather than in hospital forms. Senator McCain notes how everyone is struggling with health care and proposes giving every American a $5,000 refundable tax credit so that they can get their health care insurance. The October 15 debate took place in Hofstra University, Hempstead, New York and Bob Schieffer (CBS News) was the moderator. Focus on that day was on domestic policy. Senator McCain and Obama on economy Senator McCain once again blamed the input that Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac had that caused the housing market to collapse. Of the $700 billion allocated, McCain proposes to use 300 of that to buy the home loan mortgages and negotiate with home owners. Senator Obama reiterates that the financial rescue plan is an important step and proposes ending tax breaks for companies shipping jobs oversees and provide tax credit for companies creating jobs domestically. Senator Obama and McCain on energy Senator McCain plans to stop spending $700 billion annually in other countries on energy. He plans on investing in wind, tide, natural gas, nuclear and offshore drilling. He also suggests that Senator Obama is opposed to such initiatives. Senator Obama says that investing in a serious energy policy should help America to stop borrowing from China and spending in Saudi Arabia. Senator Obama and McCain on climate change The issue of energy and climate change goes hand in hand. Obama again talks of his plan to stop foreign oil dependence and making the oil companies drill from their unused land. He also says that he has focused on putting resource into solar, wind, bio-diesel and geothermal. Senator McCain points out the importance of starting offshore drilling right away. 2008 Presidential Debates. (2016, Nov 08).

Group Policy Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Group Policy - Coursework Example Security: due to the various security breaches evident, it is important to use the group policy to curb that. For instance, an organization can experience security breach due to the employees using very weak passwords. With the group policy, it is easy for an organization to set certain requirements for the users to follow when setting passwords. Cost and time: it enables installation or upgrading of software from one location and ensures that every machine is serviced simultaneously (Moskowitz, Hicks, & Burchill, 2013). Moreover, it is also possible to conduct the upgrade outside the business hours to avoid disruption of the work schedule. There are various potential pitfalls. One, because the SQL server is configured for windows authentication only, it becomes difficult to manage data in all the other relational databases. Moreover, the database can only be accessed from within the local area network. Beyond that, it becomes inaccessible. Lack of firewalls between the servers and the applications of the client becomes difficult to get into the client’s database and gather the additional information required. The types of data elements that will be difficult to capture are the compound data elements. These are data elements consisting of three field’s control, component count field together with the total length of the required data elements. The reason is due to lack of firewall between the server and the applications of the clients. It is able to establish a boundary between a trusted and un-trusted network (Moraes, 2011). Thus, the user is not restricted by any set of rules applicable and can therefor e conceal the compound data elements in such a way that it becomes difficult for them to be found. The main considerations include enhancing security. Among the 120 end users, there can be some using some practices that can lead to breach of security for the organization. This can be quite costly since the

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Employee Relations Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Employee Relations - Essay Example 70). The top organizations achieve this by empowering the employees to take part in work place decision making. Therefore, employee engagement in decision making is a powerful factor in organizations’ success. Employees who are engaged in decision making processes in an organization are more focused on their customers and more productive. Therefore, the profit making organizations and employers retain them for the key purposes of business success and continuity (Kahn 1990, 9.700). According to various researches carried out across the global business markets, employees’ engagement in work place decision making is a significant strategy for organizations that aiming to succeed in the global market place. Employee engagement in decision making is not a Human Resources initiative that top level management need to be reminded always. Employee engagement in decision making is a significant initiative, which drives the employee performance in the work place, accomplishment an d continuous improvement always (Conway & Monks 2009, p.155). It is the impact from the way a particular organization associates itself with the employees in order to move the business outcomes. Therefore, various organizations can create employee empowerment by engaging them in decision making processes in the organization. ... The employees who are actively disengaged in making decision process in an organization’s bottom line erode business success and they break the morale of the other employees in the process. Nevertheless, employees are more likely to be involved in work place decision making if the organizations provides various factors (Bakker & Schaufeli 2008, p. 150). For instance, the employee engagement in decision making should be a business strategy and it should concentrate on finding engaged employees and retaining the employees engaged in work place decision making throughout the employment contract. In addition, employee’s engagement in work place decision should mainly focus on business results. This is because workers are mostly engaged in decision making process when the key objectives of the organization are aligned with the objectives of the employees. It is evident that workers feel empowered and motivated when they are accountable to the business success and they can me asure and value the results of the performance and active participation in decision making. The strategic goals and objectives of the employer and the employees should be frequent and there should be an effective communication that informs and reaches the employee at his or her rank and performance in his or her job. Engaged employees in decision making in an organization have the information needed in order have an understanding of what they are supposed to do each day and how their performance affects the company’s priorities and goals (Konrad 2006, p.4). Employee engagement in decision making is very critical to an organization’s success. Nevertheless, some of the organizations do not it

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Underground transportation in NYC in the 20th century Essay

Underground transportation in NYC in the 20th century - Essay Example New York has the second-oldest subway system in the United States (after Boston). It ties together five boroughs in a way that allows the residents of one of the largest metropolitan areas of the world to claim that they live in the same city.The subway is more than just a means of transportation. It has been an object of warring city planners, of graft and corruption, and of scandals which have generated hundreds of pages in the local newspapers. It serves as a part of New Yorkers' daily lives, as a place for some to sleep, and for others to practice their trade as beggars and buskers.This paper is about the subway system in New York during the 20th century. The story begins in 1868. Alfred E. Beach asked the New York State Legislature for permission to build a network of pneumatic tubes under the City of New York in which he could move mail. His real plan was to build a pneumatic subway-moving people the way pneumatic tubes in Paris and London moved paper (Tannenbaum 1995). His pla ns never got past the digging of a test hole-only 14 feet long. He also dug a 312 foot pneumatic tube under Broadway, which showed that an underground system could be completed, but he never continued with the invention.The actual New York Subway system opened first in 1904, four years after the groundbreaking ceremonies. Mayor Robert van Wyck shoveled the first clump of dirt into his top-hat, to take home (NYT 1900). The line was financed by the city, but was originally operated by private companies. The first line, called the "IRT Ninth Avenue Line," continues with that name to this day. The IRT, which stands for "Interborough Rapid Transit," was one of two lines which were privately run, the other being the BRT, or Brooklyn Rapid Transit. IRT was the first of these private operating consortia, but there were several others. The name "IRT" survives to this day, which described the original line for which the concession was granted. Although the names have been changed to letters, numbers and colors, such as the "red number 2," locals still refer to the "IRT," or the "Bayshore Line," which makes it difficult for non-New Yorkers to understand what they are talking about. Although the IRT Ninth Avenue Line was the first "sub"way, 40% of today's subway lines are actually above ground. The oldest part of the subway system is the Lexington Avenue Line, which is part of the BMT Jamaica Line in Brooklyn. This line was opened in 1885. Figure 1: Map of the IRT, Circa 1906 The Subway was not the first public transport in New York by any means. It was preceded by the "elevated lines," which had opened 35 years earlier. Early 20th Century: The Expansion of Urban Transit The 9th-Avenue Line was a tremendous success, and was followed by municipal expansion projects. The City wanted to unite the five boroughs through public transportation. The City fathers looked upon the subway as a way to spread out the population and allow for greater growth (Fischer 1998). There was a debate about whether the city's growth could be better assured by elevated railroad lines rather than the more-expensive underground tracks. As the City was growing at a tremendous rate, and land values were climbing, those arguing for more elevated lines lost the argument ( 2005

Friday, July 26, 2019

Statement on company's activity Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Statement on company's activity - Essay Example The various categories of users mentioned above lead to a real problem in preparing the report. Any annual report is mainly addressed to the members of the board, but also to other shareholders and business partners, to any financial analyst, employees, and, of course, the competition and journalists. This is one of the reasons many managers rather present only the very simplified information, as required by law, and nothing more. Of course, as a downside, companies are oftentimes accused that they use different communication and readability tools in order to draw the attention on the good parts and minimize, on the other hand, the bad ones. Indeed, the thematic structure of a report can be a very important element: it can emphasize some parts while leaving the others partially undeveloped or simply in the shadow. Still, as different categories of users look for different facts, the danger of neglecting some points of view is real. Although many think of the annual report as a financial one, this is only one of the points that need to be addressed in the statement. Among the other points of interest, an annual report should include the company's activities, important issues, challenges, goals, long and short term strategies. These details are important, as they help not only the stockholders, but also the potential customers, to understand the effectiveness of past plans, but also the degree of credibility of other future ones. In fact, this is also helpful for the companies themselves; as a research conducted in UK shows, "those companies which most clearly communicated their strategy and market opportunities in 2006 outperformed the FTSE 100 in the subsequent 12 months". In fact, everybody expects to hear clear stated purposes and achievements, as honesty and straight forwardness are the real guarantees of the company's credibility and success. The importance of the annual report is obvious and undisputable; this is why, in order to be effective, it has to be coherent and credible, highlighting all the important elements of the business. As no company can really exist on today's market without proper planning, the market strategies have to be clearly stated as well. It is only obvious that the way this information is presented to the audience is of a huge importance; even so, different groups of audience are likely to have very different reactions to it. For example, no investor would even take into consideration working with a company that hasn't got its market strategy clearly stated; on the other hand, this information can be used as a weapon against the company itself, by the media or by the concurrence. Even if we leave aside all the exterior dangers, there is, still, an inside major one: that of preparing and presenting this part of the report in an unfavorable or inconsistent manner. A coherent presentation will allo w the investors to understand what is the company really using the money for, but it is also a way of proving the company's abilities to break through on the market. As the annual report reflects the company's success, it is only normal that the managers try to make it look as good as possible. Oftentimes, financial analysts accuse the companies of issuing "too many bland statements", action that makes their annual report

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Evaluation of DHS's Ethics, Cooperation, Leadership, and Legal Research Paper

Evaluation of DHS's Ethics, Cooperation, Leadership, and Legal Decisions - Research Paper Example Investigations by the DHS are still ongoing, while other stakeholders in the incident representing the government have taken preventive measures. For example, Mungin & Brady (2013) write that Connecticut governor, Dannel Malloy signed a law increasing the number of guns banned by the state. In addition, background checks are to be conducted on all gun purchases, and schools allocated 15 million U.S dollars to improve their security. Parents of the murdered children, as well as other residents of Connecticut welcomed the law and called for tougher regulations to curb illegal gun possession (Mungin & Brady, 2013). On 16th April 2013, two bombs exploded at the finish line of the Boston marathon, killing three people and injuring 100 others. Two brothers were suspected of being behind the bombings and one is in custody, while the other was shot dead in a shootout with police, when the latter were looking for the suspect. According to Homeland Security (2013), Mr. McCaul, the chairman of the House Homeland Security Committee, the two brothers appear to have received help in planning the attack. The sophistication of the devices used and the timing of the attack led to this conclusion. Accordingly, investigations into the attack cover areas outside the U.S, particularly Pakistan and Afghanistan. On its part, the federal government pledged to get to the bottom of the matter, but president Obama avoided terming the attacks as â€Å"terrorism†. To the public, a day of celebrations turned tragic, especially considering that the marathoners had paid tribute to the victims of the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting at the beginning of the race. According to the Center for Public Integrity’s article by Fred Schulte on â€Å"ATF’s struggle to close down firearm dealers† (2013), the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (ATF) does a shoddy job inspecting dealers. Apparently, ATF inspectors may delay to inspect a dealer for as long as eight years and when they do, the inspection is not thorough enough. In cases where inspectors find dealers to have violated gun laws and revoke the dealer’s licenses, the latter usually appeals revocation. This process drags in the courts for years and meanwhile, dealers pass their business over to relatives or turn them into â€Å"personal† collection, which does not require background checks. Probably, this is the reason why people like Adam Lanza owned guns capable of killing more than 26 people in 5 minutes. There is no telling how many more people own guns illegally, and how safe the U.S citizens are. A second article by Berlow on â€Å"current gun debate may not help beleaguered ATF† addresses how the congress has played a role in ATF’s failure to control weapon use, particularly in conducting investigations. It also addresses the fact that the agency lacks funds to run operations smoothly. In addition, the current laws are too weak to recognize the role of TF in cases involving gun trafficking. Leadership influences The leadership of DHS is hierarchical in structure, headed by the Secretary of Homeland Security, who is appointed by the President, with the consent of the senate. The Deputy Secretary comes second, followed by Under Secretaries and Assistant Secretaries who head different departments. This style of leadership allows for the formation of mechanism to assess risks, and allocate funds for countering terrorism.

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

A regression analysis study on the relationship between oil price Dissertation

A regression analysis study on the relationship between oil price volatility and UK oil and gas companies' returns - Dissertation Example The findings of the regression analysis also support the evidence of oil prices volatility having no impact upon the returns generated by the oil and gas sector of UK. Strong but negative relationship between oil and gas sector returns and various other factors such as benchmark equity index i.e. FTSE100, exchange rate movements and short term interest rates are found in the study consistent with some previous other research findings as well. VARIABLE CHOICE Under previous studies of El-Sharif (2005) and Sardosky (2001), there are few variables taken into consideration to check the returns generated by oil and gas sector companies of UK. In study of El-Sharif (2005), this impact is studied through using four variables which are returns generated from oil prices volatility, returns generated by UK equity index, returns generated by foreign exchange rate movements, and lastly returns generated from short-term interest rate. Under the current study, one additional variable has been adde d in the overall model of the study i.e. returns generated from Natural Gas Prices Volatility. ... This variable is considered in this study as the chief variable influencing the oil and gas sector companies returns. Returns generated from Gas Prices Volatility Gas prices, is the second factor which has the influences upon the returns of the oil and gas sector companies returns besides oil prices volatility. Returns generated by Equity Index of UK This variable is taken into consideration to study the overall influence of the equity market of UK upon oil and gas sector. Returns generated by Foreign Exchange Rate Movement Since UK is one of the largest oil producers in the European Union, therefore, it also exports oil and allied products to other nations as well. With such exports, the oil and gas sector of UK is highly impacted by the foreign currency movements as a result this factor is also studied under this research. Returns generated by Short-term Interest Rate Short-term interest rate is included in the model because it provides the alternative investment horizon to the inv estors. It is assumed that variability in the short-term interest rates can direct the decisions of investors. 3.6 Research Methodology (Edited) This research follows the literature that uses the international APT model. Previous studies facilitated their empirical analysis to relate impacts of global factors on stock returns (see Jorion, 1990; Khoo, 1994; Faff and Chan, 1998; Faff and Brailsford, 1999; Sadorsky, 2001; Sadorsky and Henriques, 2001). The two-factor version of the model used in most prior related studies is derived from the multi-factor model shown below: Ri,t = ? i ?+ ?kFk,t +? ?i,t (1) where Ri,t is the stock market’s excess return

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Scientific( Virology ) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Scientific( Virology ) - Essay Example This antibody has proved essential in management of the virus development in succeptible children. To date, Ribavirin stands as the only accredited drug against the circus. Nevertheless, the applicability of this sophisticated drug has been subject to cost and toxicity constrains thus limiting its use. As a consequence, there remains an urgent need for research ventures aimed at developing more effective anti-RSV treatments. To fuse with the host cell, the virus uses glycoprotein F; therefore, this knowledge could be used in drug targeting to develop anti-protein F medications. Through research ventures, the first strain of the virus was harvested from the chimps respiratory channel, and has since been widely associated with infants and newly born babies. Notably though, the virus lacks age specificity with its incedences being noted among adult humans. Currently, it is estimated that the disease causes approximately 34 million infections of the lower respiratory tract among children. Out of these, an approximate 10% often require hospitalization to recover. Sadly, up to 7% of the hospitalised children end up losing their battle against the virus, with fatality rates in developed states accounting for just 1% of the total. While world health systems are continuously laying foundations in attempts to develop an ideal vaccine and medication against the infection, this has faced many hurdles. In the end, the world remains stuck with Palivizumab as the only humanized antibody compliant to the guidelines of the Food and Drugs Authority. This artificially articulated MAb targets the virus by identifying its antigenic F-protein and mounting immunological response against the virus. On the other hand, the virus can be managed through transcription arrest in this RNA-virus, an approach that has been exploited in the designing of Ribavirin. However, such RNA targeting drugs are highly costly to produce,, while others

Phylum Porifera Essay Example for Free

Phylum Porifera Essay Which phyla lack organs? What type of symmetry do they have? Phylum Porifera which lacks any symmetry (asymmetry) and phylum Cnidaria which has radial symmetry. List all of the phyla that show cephalization. Phylum Annelida, Phylum Mollusca, Phylum Arthropoda, Phylum Platyhelminthes, Phylum Nematoda, and Phylum Chordata. Do all organisms on the table have 3 germ layers (endoderm, ectoderm, and mesoderm)? If not, which Phyla have fewer than three germ layers? Not all the organisms have three germ layers. The organisms with less than three germ layers belong to Phylum Porifera which has no true germ layers and phylum Cnidaria which has two germ layers (diploblastic). One phylum has more species than all the others. State the name of this phylum and provide several different examples of species found in this phylum. Phylum Arthropoda. Examples of species in this phylum include Brazilopelma colloratvillosum, Dermacentor variabilis, Limulus polyphemus, Colossendeis megalonyx, Branchinecta gigas, Pyromaia tuberculata, Asterocheres echinicola, Narceus americanus, Scaphiostreptus parilis, and Musca domestica. According to chapter 24, fish do not all have the same skeletal structure. Describe the differences among fish from the most primitive to more advanced types. Fishes greatly differ in their anatomical features especially their skeletal structures. The most primitive group of fishes based on skeletal structure is known as class Agnatha and the fishes in this class are referred to as â€Å"the jawless fishes†.   These have a cartilaginous internal skeleton which means that they have no true bones (Layman, 2003). They also lack true teeth, true jaws, and true vertebrae (Layman, 2003). The other group of fish is referred to as the cartilaginous fishes and they belong to a class of fishes known as Chondrichthyes. Their skeleton is made up of cartilage. Unlike the jawless fishes, fishes in this group have jaws and true teeth which are bony as is seen with sharks (Layman, 2003). The final group of fish is known as the bony fishes and fishes in this group belong to a class known as Osteichthyes. These fish are very advanced and unlike the other two groups, fishes in this group have a skeletal structure that is made of true bones meaning that their skeletal structure is mineralized (Layman, 2003). They have a bony jaw, bony teeth, and bony vertebrae (Layman, 2003). Describe the three types of mammals based on how their young develop? One group of mammals is referred to as placental mammals. The young ones of mammals under this group develop for long inside their mothers. This prolonged development is facilitated by the presence of an allantoic placenta (Go Pets America, 2010). This placenta allows close contact between the vascular systems of both the mother and the growing embryos and this ensures that the embryos are adequately and continually nourished (Go Pets America, 2010). The placenta also allows for removal of waste products from the womb. In addition, the embryos are protected inside their mothers. For example the body temperatures of the mothers are usually constant and this protects the developing young ones from the harsh surroundings. These conditions provide a conducive environment which allows for development of the young ones to a very high degree. The other group of mammals is known as marsupial. The young ones of mammals under this category develop in the womb just like in placental mammals but their period of development is short. The reason for the short development period is due to presence of a yolk placenta whose ability to nourish the fetus is limited (Vaughan Ryan, 2010). After birth, the undeveloped young ones continue their development inside their mothers’ pouches where they cling to the mothers’ nipples with their mouths (Vaughan Ryan, 2010). The young ones get fed on milk through the nipples. The final group of mammals is referred to as monotremes. Mammals in this group reproduce by laying eggs. With these mammals, two eggs are laid each time and the young ones grow inside the eggs for a short while before they are hatched (Vaughan Ryan, 2010). Inside the eggs, the young ones are nourished by use of egg yolk. The hatched young ones are always very immature at birth and they continue to develop by feeding on milk from their mothers. But unlike the other groups of mammals, these mammals lack teats and milk oozes from the mothers’ abdomens and the young ones feed by licking the oozing milk (Vaughan Ryan, 2010).

Monday, July 22, 2019

Major Depression Disorder Essay Example for Free

Major Depression Disorder Essay The scenario I have chosen to write about is the case of Sylvia. She is a patient of major depression disorder. Symptoms clearly show she is struggling with major depression disorder. The five dominant theories of psychology to further understand the case of Sylvia are the cognitive theory, behavioral theory, humanistic theory, personality theory and social dominance theory. Cognitive theory of psychology is focus on internal state such as problem solving, motivation, thinking, decision making and attention. It is a key component underlying the way people think and behave. Cognitive theory is basically concerned with the development of a person’s thoughts processes. It also counts for how these thought processes influence and how a person understand and interact with the world. The technique recommend by the cognitive theory to help Sylvia. In cognitive behavioral therapy is a psychotherapeutic approach which addresses dysfunctional and emotions maladaptive behaviors and cognitive processes. CBT is an effective treatment for various conditions like anxiety, mood, personality, eating, and substances abuse which Sylvia is and has struggled with all this. So this will be very helpful for her. Behavioral theory of learning which is based upon the idea that all behaviors are acquired through conditioning. Behavioral techniques are widely used in therapeutic settings to help clients in learning new skills and behavior. It is bases on the belief that behavior can be measured, changed and trained. The technique recommended by behaviorism theory to help Sylvia. Applied behavior analysis technique is recommended by behaviorism therapy in the case of major depression. And in the case of Sylvia, this technique will be very helpful. Psychodynamic is also known as dynamic psychology. It is an approach of psychology, which emphasizes on the systematic study of psychological forces. The treatment of  psychological distress psychodynamic therapy to be less sensitive than psychoanalysis treatment. Psychodynamic therapies are basically depending upon theory of inner conflict. Psychodynamic therapy is designed to help patients explore the full range of their emotions, including feeling they may not be aware of. The technique recommended by psychodynamic theory to help Sylvia is Psychoanalytic and interpersonal technique, it is recommended by psychodynamic theory to help people like Sylvia who is struggled with major depression. This approach focuses on the interrelationship of the mind and mental, motivational or emotional forces within the mind that interact to shape a personality. Humanistic psychology is focused on understanding the unconscious motivations that drive behavior, and study the condition while processes that produce behavior. Humanistic psychology emerged during the 1950’s as a reaction to psycho analysis and behaviorism humanistic psychology was instead focused on each individual’s potential and stressed the importance of growth and self – actualization. The technique recommended by humanistic theory to help Sylvia is existential technique. If is recommended by humanistic theory to help a person who is in major depression disorder. Personality psychology looks at the patterns of thoughts and feelings that make a person unique. Some of the best known theories of psychology are devoted to the subject of personality. Almost every day we describe and access the personality of the people around us. Whether we realize it or not. These daily musings on how and why people behave as they do are similar to what personality psychologist do. Social dominance theory identifies several mechanisms by which hierarchies are developed and maintained. These theories focused on helping us understand and explain social behavior. Social theories are generally centered on specific social phenomenon including prosaically, Social behavior. These are all the theories of psychology that Sylvia could use for this scenario. All the different techniques that she can do. Each different technique helps to deal with her major depression disorder. They each help individually, but when applied together better results could be obtained. Reference Myers, D. (2014). Exploring psychology (9th Ed.). New York: NY: Worth Publishers.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Red Meat and Protein

Red Meat and Protein Avitta Olivero    Red meat as a source of protein Introduction Meat and processed meat products are a vital source of protein, lipids and other nutritionally important functional constituents which are essential components in a human diet. The two main categories of meat are red and white meat. As per nutritional concepts, the red meat is referred to as the one which is reddish in appearance in raw state and has an elevated myoglobin content in it. Red meat category which is highly consumed by humans include beef, lamb, pork and processed meat products. White meat is the one with a pale appearance and mainly includes poultry, veal and rabbit. Protein are macromolecules which are composed of long chains of amino acids and are referred to as the building block of the body as it is present in every single cell in the human body. It is vital to include protein containing food in the diet as it essential for major functions include growth and repair and is a major energy source of the body. Among the different food stuffs meat and meat products supplies the necessary protein in human diet. Protein is present in both the vegetarian and non-vegetarian food. As per the New Zealand nutrition foundation animal food as well as plant sources such as soya and quinoa supplies the essential amino acids which are important for the body functions. This essay specifically focusses on analysing the importance of Red meat as a source of protein. Literature review Nutrient profile of meat A critical analysis on the nutritional composition of any food is essential for any study on human nutrition. Meat has become an integral part of human diet. Meat is a complex structured food which includes components of biological value such as micronutrients (minerals and vitamins), proteins, fats and low level of carbohydrates. As Per the Food Standards Australia New Zealand the meat includes the flesh with skeletal muscle and fat as well as offal which include the internal organs of the animal. Meat comprises about 75 % moisture content 20 % protein, 3 % lipid and 2 % soluble non-proteinaceous compounds (Briggs Schweigert, 1990). Meat serves as a vital source of proteins, vitamins such as vitamin B6, B12 and vitamin D, Omega-3 unsaturated fatty acids and minor levels of trace elements such as zinc, iron, phosphorus, bioactive compounds like carnitine, carnosine, ubiquinone and several antioxidant compounds. All these nutritional contents of meat make it an essential component of human diet (Williams, 2007). Importance of Protein in human diet   Ã‚   Proteins are nitrogenous compounds which are constituted of amino acids. There are about twenty aminoacids which are vital for the growth and other cellular functions. Amino acids are mainly categorised in two: essential and non-essential aminoacids. Non-essential aminoacids are those which can be synthesized by the body and those which cannot be synthesized by the human body and supplied via the diet are essential amino acids (Hoffman Falvo, 2004).Animal protein is the appropriate source of protein as it includes the essential amino acid content in it and hence it is essential to in include animal based food in the diet. Animal based food include meat and meat products (Pighin et al., 2016). Red Meat protein Meat is composed of higher concentration of proteins which includes the structural proteins such as myofibrillar protein, sarcoplasmic proteins and proteins that are present in connective tissue such as collagen and elastin (Pighin et al., 2016). Meat is a complete source of protein as it includes all essential amino acids such as lysine, threonine, methionine, phenylalanine, tryptophan, leucine, isoleucine, valine. Protein concentration differs in both raw and cooked meat as the nutrients get more concentrated during cooking process due to the depletion of water content in the meat and the meat proteins exhibit higher digestibility ratio. As per the studies, 100g of raw red meat contain about 20-25% of protein whereas in 100g of cooked red meat the protein content is about 28-36% as the protein profile is modified after the cooking process. Beef and pork are considered to have the highest protein content in them. The U. S Dietary Reference Intake (USDRI) recommend a daily intake of 0.8g/kg of protein for adults which is the basic requirement for the proper functioning of the body and this prescribed intake rate of protein by USDRI lowers the incidence of cardiovascular diseases, osteoporosis and diabetes particularly type-2 diabetes (McNeill, 2014). Evaluation of meat protein quality Protein digestibility corrected amino acid score(PDCAAS) is a standard methodology recommended by world health organization and food and agriculture organization (FAO/WHO) to estimate the protein quality. In this method the protein quality is estimated by expressing the content of the first limiting essential amino acid of the test protein as a percentage of the content of the same amino acid content in a reference pattern of essential amino acids (FAO/WHO, 1990). The resultant value obtained by this method was taken as the protein digestibility corrected amino acid score (PDCAAS) and highest possible score in this method is 1.0. As per the PDCAAS method the protein quality score of red meat is estimated to be 0.9 whereas the protein quality score is between 0.5-0.7 for plant based food. According to Schaafsma, the protein digestibility corrected amino acid score is considered to the reliable method for estimating the quality of proteins consumed in the human diet (Williams, 2007). Table showing the protein quality rankings according to FAO/WHO (Williams, 2007). Near-infrared spectroscopy Near infrared reflectance (NIR) spectroscopy is an ultra- sensitive, rapid and less complicated analytical technique that aids in the assessment of chemical constituents present in the meat sample (Osborne, Fearn, Hindle, 1993).Near infrared spectroscopy is an advanced method that is widely employed in the quantitative analysis of fat, protein and moisture content in meat and meat products. The differentiation between various classes such as beef and kangaroo meat, chilled and non-chilled beef was possible by the near-infrared spectroscopy method. Sample preparation has a vital role in this method as the non-homogenised muscles absorb bulk amount of energy and generating a less accurate reflectance pattern in comparison with the non-homogenised muscle sample. Inaccurate preparation of meat samples adversely affected the clarity of the prediction of chemical composition of meat sample is equivalent to the protein quantity of the food sample.(Prieto, Roehe, Lavà ­n, Batten, Andrà © s, 2009) Other nutritional constituents of red meat   Ã‚   Fat Fat is considered as the important repository of energy that supplies the necessary fatty acids and serves as precursors for various metabolic mechanism in the body. The fatty acid content in red meat are saturated in nature because the unsaturated fatty acid is transformed to saturated form by the microbes present in the rumen. The major saturated fatty acids present in red meat are palmitic and stearic acid. The fatty acid content varies when the fat is trimmed off from the meat.(Gerber, 2007) Vitamins Vitamins are organic compounds that are present in minor concentration in food and are important for metabolic functions. The major vitamins present in meat and meat products include vitamin B12, B1 (thiamine), B6 and vitamin D. vitamin B6 acts as a coenzyme for several chemical reactions in the human body such as gluconeogenesis. The vitamin B6 concentration are expected to be in the range between 0.40-0.6mg/100g of meat. Vitamin B12 which is commonly known as riboflavin. The vitamin B12 involved in human metabolic process includes the Methyl cobalamin and 5-deoxyadenosyl cobalamin (Rivlin Pinto, 2001). Vitamin B1 is vital for normal cellular functions and serves as a coenzyme in various chemical process in the body. (Gerber, 2007) Minerals and trace elements The major minerals which are prevalent in red meat are the iron and zinc. The highest concentration of these minerals is observed in beef and pork meat(Williams, 2007).The iron content present in red meat is the heme iron rather than the non-heme iron contained in plant based foods. The heme iron is readily absorbed by the human body and this absorption rate is enhanced by the protein present in red meat. In meat, the factors such as phytate, tannin, oxalate and fibres are absent in red meat which can adversely affect the iron absorption rate. Similarly, the zinc absorption from animal based food is relatively higher than that from plant based food stuffs. The vital trace element found in meat is the selenium which are an integral part of selenoproteins which includes enzymes that are involved in important process such as anti-oxidative defence mechanism, synthesis of thyroid hormone and nucleic acid (DNA), fertility and reproduction.(Gerber, 2007) health benefits of Red meat consumption Emergence in the research of red meat as a source of high bioavailable irons, high grade protein and other essential nutrients is on high as great importance is given in the improvement of stamina and vitality. Middle age and beyond requires more consumption of high grade protein which is essential for the maintenance quality of life associated with the required muscle strength and mass. Protein causes a stimulation effect on the anabolism of muscle protein. (McAfee et al., 2010)Amino acids present in red meat are branched chain amino acids, which are necessary for the synthesis of protein. Red meat contains the highest amount of branched chain amino acids. (Ford Caspersen, 2012) Demerits: Previous studies reveal people with excess intake of red meat have been found to have higher cholesterol and higher plasma concentration of total cholesterol and Low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol and triglycerides(TG) as compared to low and medium consumer of red meat as well as vegans and vegetarians. There have also been studies showing significant relation between red meat and risk of colon cancer. Cooking red meat at higher temperature leads to the development of mutagenic compounds such as HCAs and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) which are responsible for various cancers. There are also evidences that show the saturated fatty acid content in red meat can be linked with chronic heart diseases. (McAfee et al., 2010) Summary Red meat is a rich source of nutritionally rich compounds which are essential in a human diet. Meat is a potent source of protein and it supplies the major amino acids that cannot be synthesized by the body termed as essential amino acids. The nutrient composition of meat includes fat, essential amino acids, vitamins, minerals and trace elements that makes it an inevitable part of human diet. Certain studies do show red meat is harmful when consumed in higher amounts and when cooked at higher temperatures, hence a proper monitoring on the cooking practices and consumption of red meat is essential to maintain a healthy diet. References Briggs, G., Schweigert, B. (1990). An overview of meat in the diet. Advances in meat research (USA). Ford, E. S., Caspersen, C. J. (2012). Sedentary behaviour and cardiovascular disease: a review of prospective studies. International journal of epidemiology, dys078. Gerber, N. (2007). The role of meat in human nutrition for the supply with nutrients, particularly functional long-chain n-3 fatty acids. ETH. Hoffman, J. R., Falvo, M. J. (2004). Protein-Which is best. Journal of Sports Science and Medicine, 3(3), 118-130. McAfee, A. J., McSorley, E. M., Cuskelly, G. J., Moss, B. W., Wallace, J. M., Bonham, M. P., Fearon, A. M. (2010). Red meat consumption: An overview of the risks and benefits. Meat science, 84(1), 1-13. McNeill, S. H. (2014). Inclusion of red meat in healthful dietary patterns. Meat science, 98(3), 452-460. Osborne, B. G., Fearn, T., Hindle, P. H. (1993). Practical NIR spectroscopy with applications in food and beverage analysis: Longman scientific and technical. Pighin, D., Pazos, A., Chamorro, V., Paschetta, F., Cunzolo, S., Godoy, F., . . . Grigioni, G. (2016). A Contribution of Beef to Human Health: A Review of the Role of the Animal Production Systems. The Scientific World Journal, 2016. Prieto, N., Roehe, R., Lavà ­n, P., Batten, G., Andrà ©s, S. (2009). Application of near infrared reflectance spectroscopy to predict meat and meat products quality: A review. Meat science, 83(2), 175-186. doi: Rivlin, R. S., Pinto, J. T. (2001). Riboflavin (vitamin B2). Handbook of vitamins. 3rd ed. New York: Marcel Dekker, 255-273. Williams, P. (2007). Nutritional composition of red meat. Nutrition Dietetics, 64(s4), S113-S119.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Pat Barkers Regeneration Essay -- Pat Barker, Regeneration Essays

In Pat Barker's novel Regeneration, there is little doubt that the cult of Oscar Wilde had taken hold already in the first decades of the twentieth century. In Oscar Wilde's Last Stand, Philip Hoarer informs us that by associating with Robert Ross, Wilfred Owen "was allying himself with the cult of Oscar Wilde: hero, mentor and martyr to an entire culture" (Hoarer 15). In some manner, the unraveling of this statement is what makes the references to Wilde so important in Barker's novel. Barker makes three references to Oscar Wilde on pages 54, 124, and 143. Each of the references to Wilde is in the context of friendships involving homosexual males. In Barker's Regeneration, Oscar Wilde is referenced to emphasize the theme that homosexuals are completely capable having friendships with other males and not just romantic relationships. The interesting life of Oscar Fingal O'Flahertie Wills Wilde began on October 16, 1854, in Dublin, Ireland. By the end of his college education, Wilde had become one of the most famous aesthetes; it was this recognition which drew attention to his affected paradoxes and his witty sayings. This fame led to his 1882 lecture tour of America. In 1885 Wilde began work as a book reviewer for the Pall Mall Gazette and a critic for the Dramatic Reviewer. Two years later, he was appointed as the editor of the Lady's World Magazine. The year 1888 marked his first major published work The Happy Prince and Other Stories, which was a charming collection of children's stories. Three years later Wilde made a name for him self by publishing four books in 1891: A House of Pomegranates, Lord Arthur Savile's Crime, Intentions, and The Picture of Dorian Gray -- the latter earning him his greatest fame to date" ("Biograp... ...) The references to Oscar Wilde are ingeniously placed within the novel to give a historical framework to the novel. Pat Barker, in her use of historical characters intertwined with her creation of fictional characters, shows how homosexual and heterosexual men can relate in the background of war and in a society of changing social mores. Works Cited Barker, Pat. Regeneration. New York: Plume, 2003. Biography of Oscar Wilde. 2000. A&E Television Networks. 10 April, 2004. <> Borland, Maureen. Wilde's Devoted Friend. Oxford: Lennard Publishing, 1990. Hammond, Paul. Love between Men in English Literature. New York: St. Martin's Press, 1996. Hibberd, Dominic. Wilfred Owen: The Last Year. London: Constable, 1992. Hoare, Philip. Oscar Wilde's Last Stand. New York: Arcade Publishing, 1997. Pat Barker's Regeneration Essay -- Pat Barker, Regeneration Essays In Pat Barker's novel Regeneration, there is little doubt that the cult of Oscar Wilde had taken hold already in the first decades of the twentieth century. In Oscar Wilde's Last Stand, Philip Hoarer informs us that by associating with Robert Ross, Wilfred Owen "was allying himself with the cult of Oscar Wilde: hero, mentor and martyr to an entire culture" (Hoarer 15). In some manner, the unraveling of this statement is what makes the references to Wilde so important in Barker's novel. Barker makes three references to Oscar Wilde on pages 54, 124, and 143. Each of the references to Wilde is in the context of friendships involving homosexual males. In Barker's Regeneration, Oscar Wilde is referenced to emphasize the theme that homosexuals are completely capable having friendships with other males and not just romantic relationships. The interesting life of Oscar Fingal O'Flahertie Wills Wilde began on October 16, 1854, in Dublin, Ireland. By the end of his college education, Wilde had become one of the most famous aesthetes; it was this recognition which drew attention to his affected paradoxes and his witty sayings. This fame led to his 1882 lecture tour of America. In 1885 Wilde began work as a book reviewer for the Pall Mall Gazette and a critic for the Dramatic Reviewer. Two years later, he was appointed as the editor of the Lady's World Magazine. The year 1888 marked his first major published work The Happy Prince and Other Stories, which was a charming collection of children's stories. Three years later Wilde made a name for him self by publishing four books in 1891: A House of Pomegranates, Lord Arthur Savile's Crime, Intentions, and The Picture of Dorian Gray -- the latter earning him his greatest fame to date" ("Biograp... ...) The references to Oscar Wilde are ingeniously placed within the novel to give a historical framework to the novel. Pat Barker, in her use of historical characters intertwined with her creation of fictional characters, shows how homosexual and heterosexual men can relate in the background of war and in a society of changing social mores. Works Cited Barker, Pat. Regeneration. New York: Plume, 2003. Biography of Oscar Wilde. 2000. A&E Television Networks. 10 April, 2004. <> Borland, Maureen. Wilde's Devoted Friend. Oxford: Lennard Publishing, 1990. Hammond, Paul. Love between Men in English Literature. New York: St. Martin's Press, 1996. Hibberd, Dominic. Wilfred Owen: The Last Year. London: Constable, 1992. Hoare, Philip. Oscar Wilde's Last Stand. New York: Arcade Publishing, 1997.

The Transcontinental Railroad Essay -- Transportation, Railroad Compa

The Transcontinental railroad could be defined as the most monumental change in America in the 19th century. The railroad played a significant role in westward expansion and on the growth and development of the American economy (Gillon p.653). However, the construction of the transcontinental railroad may not have occurred if not for the generous support of the federal government. The federal government provided land grants and financial subsidies to railroad companies to ensure the construction. The transcontinental railroad contributed to the formation of industry and the market economy in America and forever altered the American lifestyle. The Pacific Railroad bill of 1862 launched the transcontinental railroad construction project. The Pacific Railroad bill granted 6,400 acres of public lands and government loans ranging from $16,000 to $48,000 per mile of track completed to the Union Pacific Railroad and Central Pacific Railroad companies. (Pacific Railroad Bill) Following the Pacific Railroad bill a series of federal and state acts between 1862 and 1871 granted more than 130 million acres of public land and supplied additional monetary loans of approximately $150 million dollars to the expansion of the railroads. (Gillon p.652) There is no refuting that the railroad companies transformed business operations and encouraged industrial expansion. The raw materials required for construction of the transcontinental railroad directly resulted in the expansion of the steel, lumber and stone industries. (Gillon p.652) The railroad stimulated growth in manufacturing and agriculture providing an efficient manner to ship raw materials and products throughout the country. Which in turn, increased consumerism and introduced t... ...ich developed new corporations. (Gillon p.652) Many in the railroad industry and these newly developed corporations were accused of price fixing, providing illegal kick- backs and challenging government regulations. (Gillon p.652-657) Thus, one could argue that the railroad industry and the titans it produced had a monopolistic approach to business that actually challenged the free market system. In the end, the transcontinental railroad changed the American landscape both physically and culturally. It formed the foundation for the industrial economy, it produced new business practices and management style of large workforces. It helped established government regulations, taxation and support of public transportation. Above all it drastically changed the American lifestyle, changed where people lived, how they shopped, how they ate, and how they worked.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Shakespeares Macbeth - The Tragic Hero :: Macbeth essays

Macbeth: Macbeth The Tragic Hero The most recent meaning of the word Tragic Hero as defined by Microsoft Works dictionary is "A hero of noble stature whose fortunes are reversed as a result of weakness." Many characters in the play were affected by tragedy for a number of reasons, but without argue, Macbeth and his reverse of fortunes are due to his own actions, and the rest of the cast were merely victims of this. Macbeth's action's lead to his very nemises. From the beginning of the play this tragedy of his was manifested through forces beyond human; the supernatural if you will. These forces were that of the witches. The next factor in determining his fate was his own decision's and action's. Lady Macbeth is the second reason for Macbeth's tragedy; without her support in aiding his decision, Macbeth would have never had the strength to lie, scheme, and destroy to such extremes. The last, and most devastating to Macbeth, was his cripled conscious which made him act out of selfeshness and lust. The sequence of these factors were most defenitely provoked by the evilness and twisted nature of the witches, for if it weren't for their influence, then Macbeth would have never turned his desires into reality. At the very beginning of the play Macbeth is nothing but a general fighting for his country. His fellow fighter's admire Macbeth, for in their eyes, and even in the eyes of the highest of authority, his nobility and couragousness is looked up to. His success for his acheivement is rewarded, and his confidence is made stronger because of this. But this is only the beginning, and soon these good fortunes will come to a tragic end. The audience is then introduced to a group of witches. Three witches who appear as wicked and repulsive. They seem to signify all that is wrong and corrupt. Macbeth's over- confident attitude is the first characteristic the witches detect, and they take advantage of this trait to make his life as miserable as they possibly can. He encounters the witches in Act1, scene1, and from this point he is now a step closer to realising what his future holds... so he thinks. The witches first address Macbeth as king, and Banguo as one "Lesser than Macbeth."(1.2.65) Infact, Macbeth isn't king, never the less, the witches insist in prophecising that he is and will be. The witches are already planting seeds of persuation into his head which are made to bloom into tragedy. These destructive and manipulative forces the witches have power over alter his viewpoints about his values and

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Hydrologic Cycle, Tectonic Plates, Natural Resources

1. Describe the path a molecule of water might follow through the hydrologic cycle from the ocean to land and then back again. The water evaporates from all over the world but let’s say it is evaporates from the oceans to form clouds that are moved over land by many of winds. The rainfall then brings it to earth where it will return to oceans by creeks to river, and some lakes then back to the ocean. 5. Describe at least one example of the environmental costs of water diversion from rivers to farms or cities. There can be so many different consequences from river diversion, downstream river discharge is reduced, the evaporation in the overall irrigation region is increased, and the level of water table rises these are just a few. The effects of reduced downstream river discharge could be reduced flooding, disappearance of wetlands and flood forest, reduced availability of potable water, and reduced shipping routes. 6. Explain the difference between point and nonpoint pollution. Which is harder to control? Why? Point pollution is a pollution that comes form one specific site. Nonpoint pollution is a pollution that comes from many different sources rather that one. I would have to say that nonpoint would be harder to control because of it coming from many different sites instead of from one place. Discussion Questions 1. What changes might occur in the hydrologic cycle if our climate were to warm or cool significantly? I think that if the climate get warmer the ground will the harder and harder as time goes, then on the same day or another could be really bad storms with warmer air it is causing stronger winds and storms, with lots of flashfloods. The cooler the climate there will be more run off less infiltration and soil will be very hard. 6. Under what conditions might sediment in water or cultural eutrophication be beneficial? How should we balance positive and negative effects? Sediment is important in depositing new soil in delta areas for better crops. Eutrophication is the addition of phosphates and other plant nutrients to the water causing excessive plant growth, then the lower areas die without sun, and the decomposition of the dead material uses to much oxygen and fish die. With the cultural eutrophication indicates that man is involved. We have removed phosphates from detergents, but farming and golf courses and other things still contribute to pollution. I can not and will not find any positive or beneficial effects out of this. Chapter 11 Text Practice Quiz Questions 1. How does tectonic plate movement create ocean basins, midocean ridges, and volcanoes? Tectonic plate’s movement creates ocean basins, mid-ocean ridges, through collision. Colliding plates push sedimentary materials into an uplifted mass of rock that contains numerous folds and faults. The Earth has undergone a number of mountain building periods. The process of creation is first by the accumulation of sediments then the tectonic collision causes rock deformation and crystal uplift and finally the isocratic rebound continues to cause uplift despite erosion and causes the development of new mountain peaks through block faulting. 7. Describe some of the mining, processing, and drilling methods that can degrade water or air quality. This can be done by water mining they use extraction of water from non-replenishing groundwater or glacial reserves. What resources, aside from minerals themselves, can be saved by recycling? There are so many helpful things by recycling; by recycling you will save space in the landfill for something else that can not be recycled. You can use your food scraps for compost, along with your yard clippings. Clothing and furniture give to goodwill; this is a must in my home. With some effort people could cut their garbage going into landfills by half. Discussion Questions 2. Geologists are responsible for identifying and mapping mineral resources. But mineral resources are buried below the soil and covered with vegetation. How do you suppose geologists in the field find clues about the distribution of rock types? Mineral exploration is the process undertaken by companies, partnerships or corporations in the endeavor of finding ore to mine. They use many different methods to find the materials. The Geophysical Method is where they use an instrument to check for variation in gravity, magnetism, electromagnetism and a number of different variables in a certain area. They could use remote sensing it gives the explorer orientation information about the location of tracks, roads and fences, as well as the habitation. 5. The idea of tectonic plates shifting across the earth’s surface is central to explanation of geologic processes. Why this idea is still called the â€Å"theory† of plate tectonic movement? Continental Drift was first proposed by Wegener, there were many geologists who opposed his ideas & they put forward reasons for their objections that were justifiable at the time. As geological science has developed since 1915, Continental Drift changed to the Theory of Plate Tectonics which also, originally had its critics. Answers to these criticisms have gradually been found though, but because these solutions have been developed slowly over many years, the theory of plate tectonics has yet to be officially changed to the principles of plate tectonics. Chapter 12 Text Practice Questions 3. What are the major sources of global commercial energy? I think that most of our commercial energy would come from gases, oils, and coal. 6. What are proven-in-place reserves? The quantity of energy sources estimated with reasonable certainty, from the analysis of geologic and engineering data, to be recoverable from well established or known reservoirs with the existing equipment and under the existing operating conditions. 16. What are biofuels, and how could they contribute to sustainability? Biofuels are made from the starch or oil portion of plant materials. Some are even made from the fats of animals. In general, ethanol is the fermented starch fuel and biodiesel is the refined oil and fats. Biofuels are important PART of the solution to declining and ever more expensive petroleum supplies. Biofuels can be used together with technologies such as hybrid vehicles and plug-in vehicles. The Chevy Volt is announced to be a plug-in vehicle with a small Flex Fuel Vehicle engine to charge the batteries. Even the new Cadillac Escalade hybrid has been announced as a Flex Fuel Vehicle. Discussion Questions 3. If your local utility company were going to build a new power plant in your community, what kind would you prefer? Why? I think that I would want it to be a wind power plant because wind is natural no harmful things would be burning or have a chance for some kind of spill out. I would mostly have to say wind. 4. The nuclear industry is placing ads in popular magazines and newspapers, claiming that nuclear power are environmentally friendly, since it doesn’t contribute to the greenhouse effect. How do you respond to that claim? I would have to say that it might be some what environmentally friendly but I would have to ague that fact of it rising the temperatures of ocean waters. They say it is local but does that water just stay right there? NO it moves about everywhere mixing with all the other water changing the temperature.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Write Feature Story

What Are tout Stories? consume stories be human- engross articles that focus on particular(a) people, places and characters. Feature stories atomic number 18 journalistic, researched, descriptive, vibrant, thoughtful, reflective, thorough opus about original ideas. Feature stories filmdom bases in depth, going further than classic unvoiced intelligence activity redressage by flip ones wiging and explaining the most interesting and essential elements of a situation or occurrence. Feature stories argon popular content elements of tidingspapers, magazines, blogs, websites, wordletters, television broadcasts and former(a) mass media. slice journalists announce carding late-breaking hard intelligence activity dont brace enough preparation age and repeat length to include much than accentuate and description, sources of suffers have the space and prison term to evoke imagery in their stories and subscribe in details of the circumstances and aureole. A line ament floor is not meant to report the latest breaking news, that earlier an in-depth look at a subject. Feature articles range from the news induce that provides sidebar solid ground to a current up to nowt hard news horizontal surface, to a relatively undying layer that has natural human interest.Features in the master(prenominal) atomic number 18 time-consuming than hard-news articles because the lark penetrates deeper into its subject, expanding on the details rather than trying to center on on a few important key points. In hard news stories, often referred to as inverted profit style, the newsman makes the point, sets the tone, and frames the pop in the scratch line split up or two. In a deliver base, on the other hand, the generator has the eon and space to develop the substructure, but slightlytimes disheartens the main point until the end. The full-page account statement does not have to be encapsulated in the lead. Typical typesThere ar nume rous kinds of feature stories. here(predicate) are some popular types Human Interest The best-k nown kind of feature report is the human-interest written report that discusses exposes finished the experiences of another. Profiles A very commonplace type of feature is the profile that reveals an individuals showcase and lifestyle. The profile exposes different facets of the subject so referees will feel they know the person. How-To These articles sustain people learn by intercourse them how to do something. The source learns about the topic through and through with(predicate) education, experience, research or interviews with experts.Historical Features These features label important dates in hi falsehood or turning points in our social, political and heathenish development. They offer a useful juxtaposition of then and now. Historical features take the proofreviewer back to revisit an event and issues touch it. A variation is the this date in history short feature, which re questions people of prodigious events on a particular date. seasonal worker Themes Stories about holidays and the change of seasons address matters at specific times of a year. For instance, they cover life milestones, social, political and cultural cycles, and contrast cycles.Behind the Scenes Inside views of unusual occupations, issues, and events give readers a scaring of penetrating the inner stria or being a cower in a corner. Readers like feeling privy to unusual details and comfortably kept secrets about procedures or activities they index not ordinarily be subject to or allowed to participate in. Non-fiction stories Feature stories are journalistic reports. They are not sight essays or editorials. They should not be unkept with creative writing or work of fiction. The writers opinions and attitudes are not important to the story.The writer keeps herself or himself out of the story. Writing in the third person helps maintain the obligatory distance. Tel ling stories Hard news stories report very timely events that have secure occurred. Feature stories, on the other hand, are soft news because they are not as timely, not as fleetly reported. Feature writers have the extra time to complete background research, interviews and observation for their stories. Here are some suggestions for polishing feature writing skills and developing an eye for feature story ideas.Feature stories give readers breeding in a pleasing, entertaining format that highlights an issue by describing the people, places, events and ideas that shape it. Feature stories are really more like nonfiction short stories than hard news stories. While there should a news specify for the existence of a story at a particular time, the immediacy of the event is secondary in a feature story. In fact, sometimes there is no immediate event. The power of a feature story lies in its ability to amplify the focus on an issue through first-rate story telling, irony, humor, huma n appeal, atmosphere and colorful details.Features have a sportsmanlike beginning, middle and end and are longer than hard-news stories. Gathering data Journalists use ternary tools to gather information for stories observation, interview and background research. After completing these, the writer brings the story to life through colorful description, substantive anecdotes and signifi bedt quotes. These elements are obtained when interviewing and observing by jotting down everything encountered smells, noises, colors, textures, emotions, details seen and comprehend in the surroundings. The journalist keeps an open mind while interviewing subjects and researching sources.The writer avoids steering the story or imposing personal ideas on the sources. The writer avoids deciding on the theme of the story until sufficient information has been self-collected to show a direction or point of view. Story format The information in a feature is make differently from hard news stories. s ometimes a writer uses several paragraphs of copy at the outset to engage the reader before getting on with the main elements of the story. After the title and opening paragraph grab a reader, narrative maulers are apply to persuade the reader to continue reading.These hooks are hypnotic story elements such as action, mystery, outstanding event or appealing characters intended to give the reader forward through the story. They are complex narratives that come to life through colorful description, meaningful anecdotes and signifi tooshiet quotes. In hard news stories, the reporter makes the point, sets the tone, and frames the issue in the first paragraph or two. In feature stories, the whole story does not have to be encapsulated in an inverted pyramid lead. The writer can develop the storyline in a variety of ways and choose to postpone the main point until later in the copy or even the end.A writer can choose to tell the story out of order to engage the readers interest. A s tory could begin with a dramatic moment and, once the reader is curious, the story could flash back to the history unavoidable to understand it. A story-within-a-story could be used with a narrator in the outer(a) story telling the inner story to satisfy the curiosity of readers. A storyline could alert readers that the story began in a way that take careed ordinary, but they must get along it to understand what happened eventually. As with any news reporting, feature stories are subject to the journalistic standards of accuracy, fairness and precision.The quality of a story is judged on its content, organization and mechanics. Features writers use The Associated press Stylebook for correct journalistic style. How long are these articles? Newspaper features often are five hundred to 2500 words in length. Magazine features commonly are 500 to 5,000 words. Features on websites and blogs loosely range from 2502500 words, but hard incur space is relatively inexpensive so the leng th could vary dramatically through the use of non-linear hyperlinking of content. Any medium competency use a shorter or longer story than usual, depending on its perceived value.Attention spans seem to grow ever shorter so transiency is valued. More than ever, all writing straight off needs to be clear and concise. Illustrations each story is illustrated, usually with one or more photographs, but the art can be drawings, paintings, sketches, video or machinima, colorful graphs and charts, or other creative expressions depending on the medium for which the feature is software productd for dissemination. Is this but for print journalists? As newspapers and other print media face stiffer competition today from profit news media, more feature stories are published because they can be more engaging to read.Wire services, such as the Associated atmospheric pressure and reuters, which once distributed mostly hard news, now send feature stories to members. Public dealings professio nals frequently write feature articles. For instance, a company newsletter story profile employees voluntarily helping the local community could benefit employees and their families as well as the steadys stockholders. Or a profile of a corporate CEO could be released to media when the firm makes news. Broadcast journalists use human interest stories, profiles, historical pieces, seasonal packages, behind the scenes revelations and even how-to descriptions.These can be seen and heard over in television and radio news. A typical television news package includes an edited set of video clips for a story narrated by a reporter following a written script. distant a magazine article, for example, the TV feature story also will have audio, video, graphics and video effects. A news anchor with an over-the-shoulder graphic will be seen reading a lead-in cornerstone before the package is aired and concluding the story with additional information called a tag.